Our Story

Joseph Spicer was a great man. He was dearly loved by his wife, five children and grandchildren. Although he came from simple beginnings, Joe worked his way up from the war-torn streets of the east end to create a successful family business that is still running today, more than 50 years later. Hard work, humbleness and a touch of luck characterised this strong and loving father, grandfather and husband.

Joe was born to Lilly and Joseph Spicer in 1934 in the east end of London. He had two sisters and one brother, whom he always kept a watchful eye on.

Growing up was hard in the middle of the Blitz, with friends lost and homes destroyed on a near nightly basis by the German bombers. However, Joe found passion in his football – becoming captain of the school team, collecting bird eggs and just getting up to general mischief with his gang of exceptionally close friends.

Between leaving school and starting the company that would serve him so well, Joe had more than thirteen jobs. He did not like to be told what to do apparently.

These jobs were as varied as being a Tailors assistant, where his keen eye cut a more efficient pattern for a three-piece suit than the owner, a scaffolder – which paid more than a professional footballer, leading Joe to turn down a position in the Leyton Orient Football team and also apparently and a welder – where he learnt key skills for his future ambitions.

In the middle of this flurry of jobs Joe met Sylvie, his future wife. They met at Barry’s nightclub and as we were often told Sylvie only went up to the shy boy in the corner because he had a full pack of cigarettes. Something must have fascinated after the cigarettes were gone as Joe and Sylvie were soon married and were together for nearly 60 years.

In year 1957 he started Ideal Furniture Ltd with his two brother in-laws Tony and Ted but more importantly the beginnings of his young family started to take shape with the birth of Linda, followed soon after by Steve, Jeff, Terry and John.

Joe’s love for his children was immense and their memories of their childhood were filled with happiness – from fishing in Broxbourne, to Motorcycle racing. As the children grew he went on to support and help them in any way he could. He was their rock and the heart of their family.

It was through his love for his family he discovered the inspiration to work as hard as he did. Often making a full batch of dining sets himself by hand, loading them onto the lorry, then driving the lorry to Scotland and back again in a single day.

Joe worked hard but he was also a lucky man, not just in love but also at the dog tracks. He bought his first house with the winnings he made and was always sure to split his earnings with his less lucky friends – even if that just meant taking them out for a Chinese at the end of a bad day.

Through Joe’s combination of hard work and luck, Ideals Furniture flourished as a company and his 5 children turned into many grandchildren. All of which learned how dedication, being humble and family first is the path to true greatness.

His grandchildren adored him and they all have wonderful memories of the times spent in Grove Park Road and of their many holidays in Portugal with Joe.

In later years, safe in the knowledge that the family business was in good hands, Joe had the opportunity to spend much of his time with the love of his life, Sylvie and their mutual lifelong dearest friends ‘The Crowd’. Be that in Portugal or simply enjoying an early dinner in the pub.

His friendship with the crowd spanned over many years and throughout that time they were a great support to Joe – especially in the years after Sylvie died.

Joe lost Sylvie in 2013 and we can all be safe in the knowledge that he is now back in his favourite place; by her side and with his sons Terry and John.

His family would like to say a huge thank you to their Dad and Grandad and to say that their lives have been enriched by having such a special person in it.

The man was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He had to work hard to make ends meet, but he never felt like he had not a true purpose in life, especially that he found inspiration through the love of his family and the support of friends. He was able to find passion for what he does.

Hard work, humbleness and a touch of luck characterised this strong and loving father, grandfather and husband. His life was filled with many ups and downs but he never lost his optimism. He is the embodiment of an inspiring story.

In the words of Joe - ‘I loved my life and I wouldn’t have changed a thing’.



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